Filtering by: “Yoga”

Restorative Yoga Series

Restorative Yoga Series

Friday, October 22 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Offered at Mountain Kula Yoga in North Conway, NH

This practice is a guided restorative yoga class using multiple props, holding restorative asanas, and practicing deep breathing and pranayama to release and relax into the natural state of rest and digest. This 75 minute class from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. will offer gentle stretching to begin and restorative poses to deeply relax the nervous system, increase flexibility, and provide the time and space to decompress from a hectic lifestyle while improving our immune system, reducing muscle tension, and supporting deep sleep. This practice requires no experience and props are provided at the studio.

Click here to register

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Restorative Yoga Series

Restorative Yoga Series

Friday, October 15 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Offered at Mountain Kula Yoga in North Conway, NH

This practice is a guided restorative yoga class using multiple props, holding restorative asanas, and practicing deep breathing and pranayama to release and relax into the natural state of rest and digest. This 75 minute class from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. will offer gentle stretching to begin and restorative poses to deeply relax the nervous system, increase flexibility, and provide the time and space to decompress from a hectic lifestyle while improving our immune system, reducing muscle tension, and supporting deep sleep. This practice requires no experience and props are provided at the studio.

Click here to register

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Restorative Yoga Series

Restorative Yoga Series

Friday, October 8 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Offered at Mountain Kula Yoga in North Conway, NH

This practice is a guided restorative yoga class using multiple props, holding restorative asanas, and practicing deep breathing and pranayama to release and relax into the natural state of rest and digest. This 75 minute class from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. will offer gentle stretching to begin and restorative poses to deeply relax the nervous system, increase flexibility, and provide the time and space to decompress from a hectic lifestyle while improving our immune system, reducing muscle tension, and supporting deep sleep. This practice requires no experience and props are provided at the studio.

Click here to register

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Restorative Yoga Series

Restorative Yoga Series

Friday, October 1 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.
Offered at Mountain Kula Yoga in North Conway, NH

This practice is a guided restorative yoga class using multiple props, holding restorative asanas, and practicing deep breathing and pranayama to release and relax into the natural state of rest and digest. This 75 minute class from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. will offer gentle stretching to begin and restorative poses to deeply relax the nervous system, increase flexibility, and provide the time and space to decompress from a hectic lifestyle while improving our immune system, reducing muscle tension, and supporting deep sleep. This practice requires no experience and props are provided at the studio.

Click here to register

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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Friday, September 17 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

This practice is a guided restorative yoga class using multiple props, holding restorative asanas, and practicing deep breathing and pranayama to release and relax into the natural state of rest and digest. This 60 minute class will offer gentle stretching to begin and restorative poses to deeply relax the nervous system, increase flexibility, and provide the time and space to decompress from a hectic lifestyle while improving our immune system, reducing muscle tension, and supporting deep sleep. This practice requires no experience and is suitable for everybody.

Click here to register - $21

Register for Zoom link.

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Outdoor Yoga: White Mountains Health, Wellness & Outdoor Fest

Outdoor Yoga: White Mountains Health, Wellness & Outdoor Fest

Sunday, July 18 @ 9 a.m.
Gazebo at the North Conway Community Center

Join us for yoga as part of the White Mountains Outdoor, Health & Wellness Fest on Sunday, July 18 at 9:00 a.m.

The White Mountains Community College in collaboration with the Mt. Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce is presenting the White Mountains Outdoor, Health, and Wellness Fest. This unique festival is a timely and affordable opportunity to share your Recreational, Health and Wellness services, mindful products and healing arts to show support to the MWV Community and beyond. It will be the perfect time of year, everyone is ready to get out, enjoy the fresh air and reconnect with each other. Outdoor enthusiasts, health conscience, gardeners, pet lovers, artists, nutritionists, and the like, come and join in!

Part of the Outdoor Yoga Series!

Click here to register. - $12.50

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Outdoor Yoga: Summer Solstice Celebration

Outdoor Yoga: Summer Solstice Celebration

Sunday, June 20 @ 9 a.m.

Join us for the Summer Solstice Celebration on Sunday June 20 at 9:00 a.m. The summer solstice marks the midpoint of the year and from a spiritual perspective this day is all about embracing the sun and its electrifying power. Our focus for the practice will be sun salutations to embrace our inner light, celebrate the sunshine and create powerful community connections. A portion of the process supports the non-profit North Conway Community Center. Light refreshments will be served.

Part of the Outdoor Yoga Series!

Click here to register. - $12.50

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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Thursday, April 22 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Yoga's sister science Ayurveda views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

In this Restorative Yoga practice with Anjali Rose, 500 RYT and Reiki Master, we'll create sacred space through supported reclining postures, plant seeds of intention using guided imagery. We'll activate those intentions through meditation and pranayama, and sound healing while each student will receive Reiki.

This practice is suitable for everybody.

Click here to register - $21

Register for Zoom link.

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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Friday, March 26 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Yoga's sister science Ayurveda views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

In this Restorative Yoga practice with Anjali Rose, 500 RYT and Reiki Master, we'll create sacred space through supported reclining postures, plant seeds of intention using guided imagery. We'll activate those intentions through meditation and pranayama, and sound healing while each student will receive Reiki.

This practice is suitable for everybody.

Click here to register - $21

Register for Zoom link.

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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Friday, Feb. 26 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Yoga's sister science Ayurveda views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

In this Restorative Yoga practice with Anjali Rose, 500 RYT and Reiki Master, we'll create sacred space through supported reclining postures, plant seeds of intention using guided imagery. We'll activate those intentions through meditation and pranayama, and sound healing while each student will receive Reiki.

This practice is suitable for everybody.

Click here to register - $21

Register for Zoom link.

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Valentine's Day Sweetheart Yoga

Valentine's Day Sweetheart Yoga

Sunday, Feb. 14 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Explore another side of your yoga practice while you celebrate partnership, playfulness, and friendship with this Valentine's Day Partner Yoga Class!

Bring your soulmate, partner, or friend for a relaxing and rejuvenating evening of partner supported poses, gentle hands on aromatouch with essential oils, and Thai yoga massage techniques to relax and revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. Treat your sweetheart to a magical evening of yoga and healing arts.

Click here to register - $40 per couple

Click here for Zoom registration link.

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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Friday, Jan. 29 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Yoga's sister science Ayurveda views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

In this Restorative Yoga practice with Anjali Rose, 500 RYT and Reiki Master, we'll create sacred space through supported reclining postures, plant seeds of intention using guided imagery. We'll activate those intentions through meditation and pranayama, and sound healing while each student will receive Reiki.

This practice is suitable for everybody.

Click here to register - $21

Register for Zoom link.

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 December Full Moon Hike and Yoga

December Full Moon Hike and Yoga

Friday, December 4 at 5:30 p.m.
Meet @ Location TBD
*Limited to 10 participants.

Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

Suggested items to bring: headlamp, warm layers, water, yoga mat, blanket, and a hot beverage.

Register - $16

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