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Virtual Full Moon Restorative Yoga

Thursday, April 22 from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Offered online via ZOOM

Yoga's sister science Ayurveda views the full moon as a powerful opportunity to extract the most potent properties from the plants and herbs used to nourish and heal. As the moon pulls on the ocean tides, we too can use the practices of yoga to pull out our own creative potential.

In this Restorative Yoga practice with Anjali Rose, 500 RYT and Reiki Master, we'll create sacred space through supported reclining postures, plant seeds of intention using guided imagery. We'll activate those intentions through meditation and pranayama, and sound healing while each student will receive Reiki.

This practice is suitable for everybody.

April 15

Plant Based Cooking

April 28

Virtual Reiki Healing Circle