Yoga is Light
The more we practice and cultivate our light, the brighter the flame.
The busy mind is described as quieting down through a number of ways: lengthening the breath, concentration on objects, or on experiences in deep sleep or dream states. It is also suggested that the mind can be quieted by concentration on the ever-present source of light that is believed to dwell inside the human heart. This light grows brighter when we do practices – each practice brings us closer to our inner light, the source within.
Perhaps a gentle meditation this week of imagining the light with each breath, and practicing this mantra which is one I share with my Reiki students, I am the Light, The Light is within me, the light surrounds me, the light protects me, I am the light. Say this three times and notice how you feel, much lighter I hope. Replacing any heart "hurt" with light, gently consoling the inner self with this warm and beautiful light. Take the light with you where ever you go.
Pose of the Week
May your day be filled with light and love,
Psst! Save the date for February 20, 2021 for a Virtual Self-Care Retreat!