Healing our Relationships From the Inside Out with the Spiritual Practice of Reiki
Most relationships are often very dynamic and can be healed through intention and energetic healing such as Reiki. When we think of the heart chakra Anahata as the space where our own self-love resides, perhaps it is here we begin the journey of loving oneself. Often we discover the blockages of the heart stem from childhood situations and memories. Learning to express ourselves through the divine feminine aspects of nurturance, acceptance, co-creation, cooperation, sensing and complimenting often encourages truthfulness and self-acceptance. We often evolve into this space through a daily spiritual practice in this case, Reiki.
Energetically we can heal our hearts first by becoming the child ourselves, and begin to parent our own hearts with divine feminine energy and nurturing ourselves towards more cooperative relationships. Here we experience the depth of our true essence and love, often radiating that love now to friends and family. The question often is where to begin and what might this practice look like.
My own transformation and on-going awakening comes from a daily practice of Reiki and meditation. Reiki is a spiritual practice that can often be used for healing relationships. Since we are both individual and collectively healing relationships, we can begin first by setting the intention to co-create with spirit as the key to the healing process. It is important to create a sacred space where healing can happen and this can be an altar, a journal or a physical location, sometimes creating space energetically in the relationship.
In Reiki we practice the precepts, often referred to as the Secret of Inviting Happiness through Many Blessings The Spiritual Medicine for All Illness based on The Founder Usui Mikao.
These precepts remind us to be centered and aligned with our own well being.
For Today Only: Do not AngerDo not worry Be HumbleBe Honest in your Work Be Compassionate to Yourself and Others
As a daily practice, Reiki can bring in loving energy to the heart chakra, open the spaces in the heart to heal. My own practice includes the reciting of the precepts, the Gassho meditation and creating an altar with beloved items. Often I’ll place a picture of the person I wish to heal the relationship with on the altar.
In the professional practice of Reiki, my clients are often offered this guidance to first begin working with themselves as the primary receivers of the Reiki energy. This way their heart begins to soften and heal allowing them the opportunity to feel and sense this loving way of being in the world.
The energy of Reiki can often be sensed through warmth, tingling or even clients will see and experience colored light. Imagine feeling immense love for yourself that it radiates out from the core of your being. As this emanates, so does the environment around you fostering deep and loving relationships.
Healing is often a solitary and personal journey for many, working with a healer can lead you to a higher level of self-discovery and a life filled with grace and ease.
Curious about Reiki? Learn more about it here.